Personal, social and health education

Respect Bundle
Large RESPECT lettering to be decorated by the children.
Followed by a Respect Acrostic Poem template.
After this there are word starters to help with the creation of the poems.
Make sure you play a wee bit of Aretha Franklin when they are working away!
Find out what it means to them!

Love Heart Sweetie Template
This resource can be used in many ways around the time of Valentines Day.
Examples can be found on Instagram with the handle @TeachingInTechnicolour

My Community - Getting to Know Me
A simple resource to use to get to know your class and their community inside and outside of school.

First Week Feelings
What do you love about yours? How do you want your classroom to feel? Important questions to ask on your first week back to school with your new learners. Make the right start back by having your children fill these out and decorate them for an early display of pupil voice. Examples can be found on Instagram @TeachingInTechnicolour.

Kindness Advent Calendar
Here is a kindness advent calendar that you can use from the 1st to the 25th of December.
Each day has a kind act that requires no cost. They are all about how we can use our words, thoughts and actions to brighten the days of others in this month.

My World
Another variation of the resource I’ve uploaded called ‘My Community’
A simple task that can be used to find out about your pupils and their lives.

Miss Honey vs Miss Trunchbull
This is a perfect resource to use at the start of a new school year to establish what kind of teacher you want to be for your children.
Using YouTube clips of Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull, get the children to think about their teaching and nurturing styles.
The images used within this resource are not my own and were sources through free use image sites.
Please tag me in your posts so I can see your children’s wonderful work.
Twitter/X - @InTechnicolour
Instagram - @TeachingInTechnicolour

Motivational Lyric Analysis Bundle
A set of three songs for use during LGBT History Month.
Proud by Heather Small
Brave by Sara Bareilles
Fight Song by Rachel Platten
These could also be used at different points throughout the year.
Examples of work can be found on Teaching In Technicolour Instagram.
If sharing examples of work please tag @InTechnicolour on Twitter and @TeachingInTechnicolour on Instagram.
If you have time, please return to review. Thanks so much.
Nicholas :)

Long Term Memories
A fun way to round up a term or a year by filling the brain with sentences all about the children’s favourite memories so far. It can be doodled within and children can write in different colours to make the brain really pop!
For more examples, check my Instagram - @TeachingInTechnicolour
Thank you for using my resource :) Nicholas

Emoji Inference
A great way to discuss the different emotional vocabulary needed on a day to day basis, by linking it through the commonly used emojis found all around us.
Asking the children to discuss the emojis and to justify this based off the facial expressions of the emojis is a good lesson in understanding that difficulty of reading an emotion on the surface.
For more examples, check my Instagram - @TeachingInTechnicolour
Thank you for using my resource :) Nicholas

New Year, Happiest Me - Writing Bundle
Rather than focus on a “New Year, New Me” … why not explore a “New Year, Healthiest Me” by focusing on what you can and can’t control!
We all hope that our years are straight forward and carefree but as we know, life can throw us curve balls so being equipped with strategies to support your emotional regulation can help us deal with these unexpected difficulties better.
This resources includes:
Planning Sheet
Examples and strategies
Learning Intention and Success Criteria
Model piece of writing
List of words to describe the year ahead
Bunting template

Would you rather?
A simple format for a fun getting to know you game.
Children can use this to come up with their own options and read them to small groups or the whole class.

Responsibility Bundle
A great resource to use with upper school children (KS2) at the start of the year to help reinforce the skills and qualities needed to be a responsible monitor and buddy in their final years of primary school life.
If you can, please share some examples of this work on Twitter/X @InTechnicolour or on Instagram @TeachingInTechnicolour

The Grinch's Heart
A resource designed for inward reflection around Christmas time.
To look beyond the materialistic aspects of Christmas and find what makes our own heart grow, just as The Grinch’s had. Christmas can be overwhelming for many adults and children and focusing on the things that make us happy, content and loved during these times can be helpful. A word mat is provided as a guide to support those in sentence creation.
Adapted this year (2022) to include the idea of thinking about parts of our bonnie wee Scotland that makes our hearts grow, to be used as Christmas cards for those newly settled in Scotland.